Want to have access to music lessons anytime anywhere? Try our pre-recorded lessons which you can watch at your own convenience. Indian Raga offers a wide variety of music lessons including, classical, Bollywood and Hindustani music.
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2) Browse courses & select
3) Watch free previews & choose
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5) Courses are pre-recorded videos
6) Stream anytime with stable internet
1) Students with or without teachers
2) For after-class self-practice
3) For review and feedback
4) To learn new genres or skills
5) To learn in commute or spare time
6) To perform at events & contests
1) Beginner, intermediate, advanced courses
2) Diverse genres incl. Hindustani, Carnatic, Bollywood
3) Bite-sized lessons
4) Line-by-line coaching
5) Quizzes & assignments
6) Option for instructor review
Showing 1–16 of 32 results