This will be the person who will officially liaise with the IndianRaga teams on coordinating the process to streamline communication
1-line description of the idea (max 20 words)
Full Description of the Idea
For Music Raga Jam, specify how many vocalists and which instruments are planned. For Dance Raga Jam, specify how many dancers and which genres.
Please specify why this idea is interesting in your view. Please also specify if this is intended for a pure classical audience, or for a mass audience, and for each please indicate why it will be appealing. It is ok if you decide to pick only one of the two types of audiences as long as you are fine with limiting the viewership and appeal to that category of audience
Have you seen this concept being presented elsewhere on the internet? If yes, provide the link and state how you will differentiate in your presentation"
Have you explored any alternate ideas? You can submit a max of 3 alternate ideas to be considered in case the main one is not approved