Learn to sing Telugu light song ‘Aada Pillalu’ (Daughters)

Learn to sing Telugu light song ‘Aada Pillalu’ (Daughters)


Aada Pillalu is a melodious light song in Telugu about daughters and how they bring joy to our lives in every role that they play. Instructor Manga Emani learned this from her teacher and was so fascinated by the beauty and relevance of the song today that she wants to share this with as broad an audience as possible.



Aada Pillalu is a melodious light song in Telugu about daughters and how they bring joy to our lives in every role that they play. Instructor Manga Emani learned this from her teacher and was so fascinated by the beauty and relevance of the song today that she wants to share this with as broad an audience as possible.Each lesson in this module teaches one section of the song line by line with opportunities to repeat after the instructor and practice it. The song itself is quite easy and fun, and can be performed in any get-togethers or community events.In addition, Manga also suggests that this song can be a special tribute paid to girls, one such example is a video that she released dedicating this song to her daughter. This video is also included in the lesson ‘Full Song with Video’By the end of this lesson, students would have learned the tune and the meaning of this song and will be ready to perform!
