Category: City Partners


Monday, December 31, 2018 , City Partners
Welcome to IndianRaga Singapore! IndianRaga Singapore hopes to provide talented musicians and dancers in Singapore and South East Asia an avenue nearer to home where they can express their creativity, record high quality productions in Singapore and share it with the rest of the world! MIT-founded digital arts education startup IndianRaga operates in over 30 [...]


Monday, November 26, 2018 , City Partners
IndianRaga Festival 2021 Book Tickets IndianRaga Festival 2021 is a celebration of music and dance and delightful experience for cultural aficionados. The first ever edition of the ‘IndianRaga Festival’ was acclaimed by fans and artists alike. It ended up attracting an audience of more than 10,000 people online and more than 500 people attending the [...]

Raga Jam FAQs

Thursday, December 14, 2017 , City Partners
Q. What is the value of Raga Jam and why should I/my child do it? Raga Jam is a great, cost-effective, and enriching way of learning how to produce a high quality collaboration in the form of a music video. It incorporates several key learnings into one organized learning package, which you otherwise do not [...]

City Partnership

Saturday, December 9, 2017 , City Partners
Bring The IndianRaga Experience To Your City!Apply to become City Partner IndianRaga today has grown into the largest global platform for Indian performing arts. With over 500,000+ followers on Facebook and 100,000+ subscribers on YouTube, growing rapidly, we provide unparalleled reach and a truly meaningful stage to nurture and showcase talent. Thousands of participants have [...]

What applicants are looking for about the Fellowship

Monday, October 31, 2016 , City Partners
Interested in joining the IndianRaga Fellowship programme? Wondering where to start, and looking for insight from fellows on the programme? Read on... My name is Santosh Baynes, and I've been part of the IndianRaga Fellowship 2016 programme, held at Boston in August 2016. While my experience may be different from those in earlier or subsequent [...]